D6.1 Guidelines for connectivity conservation and planning in Europe with supporting webbased inventory and databases
This report presents a coherent methodological framework and guidelines for mapping functional and structural connectivity at the European scale, as part of the Horizon Europe NaturaConnect project, which is supporting EU Member States in developing a coherent TEN-N of protected and conserved areas.
Author(s): Francisco Moreira, Filipe S. Dias, Jeremy Dertien, Ana Ceia Hasse, Luis Borda-de-Água, Silvia Carvalho, Miguel Porto, Francesca Cosentino, Luigi Maiorano, Andrea Sacchi, Luca Santini, Florian Borgwardt, Georg Gruber, Nikolaj Poulsen, Rafaela Schinegger, Carina Seliger, Néstor Fernández
D5.1 Scenario framework for TEN-N, translation of NFF storylines into indicators and scenario settings
The report documents the methods to produce scenarios and the storylines of these scenarios using the IPBES Nature Futures Framework.
Author(s): Claudia Fornarini, Alessandra D’Alessio, Jeremy Dertien, Néstor Fernández, Francisco Moreira, Anandi Sarita Namasivayam, Louise O’Connor, Henrique M. Pereira, Peter Verburg, and Carlo Rondinini
D4.1 Spatial opportunities and constraints for green infrastructure network design
This report describes the methodology developed and implemented to establish a coherent set of cost layers for use in NaturaConnect’s spatial conservation prioritisation efforts.
Author(s): Douglas Spencer, Martijn van der Marel, Alexandra Marques, Clara Veerkamp, Aafke Schipper, Peter Verburg, Anandi Sarita Namasivayam, Martin Jung, Piero Visconti, Louise O’Connor, Heini Kujala and Moreno Di Marco.
D1.3 Report on the Stakeholder Analysis including evaluation of engagement, training needs and capacity building
This report provides an overview of the stakeholder engagement during the first half of the project, outlines the capacity building approach and briefly discusses the main communication activities. An overview of applied methods in the stakeholder analysis, results from the stakeholder mapping and an evaluation of the engagement activities conducted until end of 2023 are described.
Author(s): Marit Schnepf, Simone Prestes Dürrnagel, Giacomo Laghetto, Teresa Pastor, Carol Ritchie