First NaturaConnect Stakeholder Event

February 28, 2023

How can NaturaConnect help to design a coherent and resilient Trans European Nature Network (TEN-N), in the context of EU Member States’ protected area pledges and the Nature Restoration Law?

This event will bring together a diverse range of key-players into dialogue and participative strategic conversation on local needs and challenges in conservation planning as well as potential tools and solutions. Our focus will be on turning ideas into action on the ground to design, implement and manage a coherent and resilient Trans European Nature Network (TEN-N), in the context of EU Member States’ protected area pledges and the Nature Restoration Law.

The event intends to catalyse a connected network of stakeholders who will support Member States in realising an ecologically representative, resilient and well-connected network of conserved areas. During the event, we aim to introduce the NaturaConnect project and kick-off a dialogue around the current context, future scenarios and the overarching challenges that we foresee so far.

Participative, generative dialogue focusing on strategic questions will make up the greater part of this stakeholder event. The event will be professionally designed and hosted in a fully participative manner, so that a diverse range of ideas and views can be exchanged and actions can be discovered collectively.

What to expect?

We will be in collective dialogue that assists us in seeing the current context from many different perspectives, aiming to transform ideas into specific necessary actions to achieve the 30% target of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy.

“Dialogue is not just about conveying information or sharing emotions, nor a way of putting ideas into peoples heads …conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits. When minds meet they don’t just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them; engage in new trains of thought. Good conversation doesn’t just reshuffle the cards: It creates a new deck”

Theodore Zeldin 1998

The programme will cover the following:

• Who the participants are and how they contribute to the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy

• Collective dialogue to identify current enablers, barriers and needs for achieving the 30% target of the Biodiversity Strategy

• Presentation of the core aims and organisation of the NaturaConnect project

• Joint lunch

• Collective dialogue to discover key actions needed on the main areas of the project

• Next steps and how to continue being an active stakeholder in the project

Participation at the event is by invitation only and registration is required.

If you are interested in the work of NaturaConnect, please reach out to the project management team at [email protected] for more information. If you would like to know more about the event, please contact [email protected]