
Partners involved: French biodiversity office (OFB)

French Biodiversity office

Florian Barnier

Scientific coordinator, data analyst

Katia Herard

Team leader, protected areas

Rémy Poncet

Team leader, expertise

Solène Robert

Team leader, knowledge dissemination

Paul Rouveyrol

Scientific coordinator, protected areas

Léa Suarez

Policy officer, protected areas


In 2010, the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted in Nagoya (Japan) the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its 20 so-called Aichi Targets to ensure that biodiversity loss is halted. France has transposed this international framework into its national biodiversity strategy, and notably through its protected area national plan aiming at re-enforcing and expanding protected area network (Aichi target 11). The National Strategy for Protected Areas 2030 (first strategy published in 2009, updated in 2020), based on an ambitious program of 7 objectives and 18 measures, principally aims at improving both the quality and quantity of protected lands through better management and connectivity of protected areas including mitigation and adaptation to climate changes. This national strategy also meets the European ambition to reach 30% of protected land including 10% under strict protection. The Ministry of Ecological Transition has enlisted the OFB for the development and implementation of this strategy, which will ensure its coordination, monitoring and evaluation (More details can be found here:

The purpose of the case study

The general purpose of this case study is to provide analytical support necessary to meet the national protected area strategy requirements in terms of knowledge on biodiversity distribution, connectivity of protected areas and systematic conservation planning. The results will be directly disseminated towards multi-operators including park manager, policy-maker, biodiversity experts or the public. They should particularly provide important tools to leverage environmental strategies for spatial planning.


  • Reflexion with the OFB on scientific and methodological aspects to tackle analytical requirements from the national protected area strategy.
  • Implementation of the reflexions to produce state-of-the-art knowledge on biodiversity distribution, connectivity and future land planning of protected areas.
  • Knowledge dissemination through maps, dataviz, online resources, technical reports, scientific papers or colloquium.


We will engage with the OFB through a cooperative partnership involving relevant stakeholders. Regular meetings will be organized to validate and share up-to-date results with the OFB including theme-specific working groups. Larger impact colloquium will also be planned annually.