Governance, policy and financing TEN-N.

Work package lead: Stichting Birdlife Europe (SBE)
Work package co-lead: Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)

Stichting Birdlife Europe:

Barbara Herrero

Joana Bores

Caroline Herman

Institute for European Environmental Policy:

Evelyn Underwood

Gabrielle Aubert

Kenny Meganck

Other work package contributors:

Hildegard Meyer


Alina Blaga


Balázs Horváth


Lyudmila Sirychenko


Daniel Veríssimo

Rewilding Europe

Peer von Döhren

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Marit Schnepf

EUROPARC Federation


The successful design and implementation of the Trans-European Nature Network (TEN-N) as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 will rely heavily on strong governance structures, well-defined policy frameworks, and sustainable financing mechanisms.
Work package 2: Governance, Policy, and Financing, led by BirdLife Europe, will play a pivotal role in analyzing and developing guidelines for the governance, policy, and financing factors vital to the realization of the transformative TEN-N initiative.

What are we addressing in this work package?

Nature in Europe is not faring well. 81% of EU habitats are deteriorated and over 50% of marine and terrestrial species, and almost 40% of bird species are in a poor or bad status (EEA 2020). To meet the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 commitments, it is not only necessary to restore nature but also to expand and better connect nature.
Designing an ecologically coherent network of protected areas needs to be backed up by the right governance, policy, and financing to ensure adequate protection and management. Financing for the needed protected area expansion includes a range of both market and non-market financial mechanisms which can support the implementation of the TEN-N. Yet, these mechanisms are constantly evolving and are not sufficiently known and understood.

The purpose of the work package

The overarching objectives of work package 2 are twofold. Firstly, we aim to deepen the understanding of the complex governance, policy, and financing dynamics that underpin the TEN-N, drawing on the experience of the project’s six case studies.

Secondly, we endeavour to shape comprehensive policy recommendations that will pave the way for effective governance, well-established policy frameworks, and sustainable financing mechanisms, aligning with the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

Our solutions

We will review governance practices, policies, laws, and guidelines at a national and European level linked to land-use planning within the TEN-N framework. Our analysis will culminate in a detailed report drawing from experiences of the project’s six case studies and other examples from a local to multi-national level across Europe.
A rigorous research methodology has been devised which draws upon systematic literature reviews and analysis, interviews with key stakeholders, surveys, and an exploration of Member State Prioritized Action Frameworks. Data collection at the EU and national levels, as well as from individual case studies (work package 8), will provide valuable insights. The review will incorporate considerations on the TEN-N process outlined by the EU, relevant EU guidance, and Member States’ EU Biodiversity Strategy pledges. Workshops will be conducted to disseminate the findings and recommendations to key stakeholders (work package 1), fostering a collaborative approach.

Innovative financing mechanisms

We will undertake a comprehensive evaluation of existing and innovative financing mechanisms for nature conservation within the EU, and also have a look at relevant case studies around the world. A meticulous review of both public and private funding sources will be conducted to gain insights into the financial landscape and identify emerging mechanisms that can effectively support the TEN-N.
Our investigation also extends beyond the EU’s borders, examining successful private, public, and blended funding schemes from around the world. This analysis will identify potential models for replication and upscaling within the EU context. Collaboration with work package 8 (and its six case studies) will play a central role in exploring tailored scaling-up options for public, private, and blended finance, thereby facilitating activities across all case studies.
The findings will be integrated into a series of financing factsheets, which will provide information and guidance to protected area practitioners on the financing landscape and identify the best funding opportunities for their nature conservation goals. Our findings will also be disseminated through workshops, fostering fruitful dialogue and collaboration with key stakeholders.